• Sara's Testimonial
  • Joe's Testimonial
  • Monica's Testimonial
  • Meaghan's Testimonial
  • Jay's Testimonial
  • Peter's Testimonial

The kind words of my clients speak to the level of service I offer.

Here are a few more things about me:

I was a real estate investor and landlord for years before I even considered becoming a Realtor, and the systems I’ve honed for evaluating investment properties and screening tenants are integrated into my approach to help my clients.

One of the things I like best about being a Realtor is having the flexibility to create my own systems to help clients succeed in landing their dream home. There are so many pieces that have to come together for a successful transaction and putting together the puzzle presented by each client’s unique circumstances makes every sale exciting.

Rescue Aircraft

My previous life as a pilot flying rescue missions has ingrained the use of checklists in almost everything I do professionally.

I didn’t know any better since I wasn’t a Realtor at the time, but the first home I bought in MA was a condo with a non-existent owners’ association. The experiences I had while obtaining its tax ID number, establishing bank accounts, collecting dues, running meetings, and budgeting to actually build reserves allow me to help my clients navigate similar issues when they buy or sell their own condos.

I could enthusiastically talk for hours about multifamily investing or ways to increase your home’s value with just as much excitement as I would about my other passions: mountain biking, flying, and rock climbing.

Under conditions of complexity, not only are checklists a help, they are required for success.

Atul Gawande, The Checklist Manifesto: How to Get Things Right

Charities I Support

Help support these great organizations! I donate 10% of buyer commissions to them, as well as serve as treasurer on the executive board of Hawkeye Campership Fund and maintain local trails with New England Mountain Bike Association (NEMBA).

Habitat for Humanity